The first weekly update! =) Ideally this should include a belly bump picture but there's really nothing there yet, just the usual bilbil (belly fat) that I had since time immemorial :p
How far along? 7 weeks! We got the positive pregnancy test 3 days ago.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure.. haven't weighed myself lately but I feel heavy! Gahh!
Maternity clothes? Nope. However I noticed that my pants' waistlines are tighter! -_-
Stretch marks? Nothing so far..
Sleep: I sleep whole day! Goodness! I'm always tired even though I did nothing, not even housework (save for cooking)
Best moment this week: Eerrr, finding out we're pregnant? Not a "good" moment for ME, honestly speaking. Probably a great moment for hubby though ^_^
Movement: None.
Food cravings: Sour fruits (green mango, orange) with lots of shrimp paste or salt!
Gender: I have no preference yet, still reeling from the shock that we're pregnant *inhale exhale*
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? IN
What I miss: My high energy levels! =(
What I am looking forward to: Our first ultrasound after we get back from Makati in 2 weeks.
Weekly Wisdom: When you're healthy as an ox and suddenly, for no reason, your energy levels drop to zero every single day -- get a pregnancy test!
Milestones: Finding out we're pregnant.. what else?? :p
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